5 More Days to The Day of Atonement

Hello Family,
We’re currently on Day 5 of our 10 Day countdown to the DAY OF ATONEMENT (sunset 11th – sunset 12th Sep 2024),
Our Revelational Bible Study Programmes
Sign up to one of our Bible Study Programmes, we study the Feasts and do a 10 Day Programme in the lead up to the DAY OF ATONEMENT. We completed our review of the FEAST OF TRUMPETS 5 days ago on 3rd Sep 2024, which was such a blessing. There is a published audio of our Feast of Trumpets on our Youtube Channel and also on the Zion Awake Channel of our website.
THE DAY OF ATONEMENT is 10 Days on from the FEAST OF TRUMPETS (Sunset 2nd – 3rd Sep 2024). Ten symbolising completeness. Its also the 5 of the 7/8 FEASTS prescribed by MOSES, symbolizing GRACE.
What Does The Day of Atonement Represent?
As we explained in our session on the Feast of Trumpets, the DAY OF ATONEMENT signifies YESHUA’S second coming, or His return. His FIRST COMING of course being signified by PASSOVER, so it together with all of the AUTUMN Feasts is one of the 4 UNFULFILLED FEASTS, so these Feasts are yet to come to pass, so they focus our minds and spirits to prepare and align us spiritually and even psychologically for things that are yet to come.
The Meanings of the Feasts
Do take a look at our video on THE MEANINGS OF THE FEASTS, which gives a setting forth of the PROPHETIC meanings of all of YAHUAH’s APPOINTED DAYS or FEASTS, if you’d like to know the meanings of all of the feasts. We’ve also shown how the 7 FEASTS as prescribed for ISRAEL by MOSES, (8 Feasts if you include the EIGHTH DAY FEAST, which follows immediately on the heels of the 7 Day FEAST OF TABERNACLES as a separate Feast), they also proclaim a PROPHETIC PREACHING of the GOSPEL of Our YAHUAH and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. However the video: The Meanings of the Feasts will provide some understanding of that, which is available either on our Youtube Channel (Repairers of the Breach, Is 58:12) or website.
The BABYLONIAN Church, which as we’ve shown is the REPLACEMENT, and not the true or original Church doesn’t keep any, not even one of YAHUAH’S BIBLICAL FEASTS.
As I’ve previously explained, when I discovered this I began to observe them, because they are HOLI-DAYS (and this word comes from the BIBLE, HOLY DAYS) prescribed by YAHUAH for all mankind. I actually began to keep the FEASTS long before I even became aware I was even a YASHAR’EL-ite, because they are YAHUAH’S APPOINTED TIMES. As YESHUA spoke to John, ‘IT BECOMES US TO FULFIL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS’.

The Power of Forgiveness in a Fallen World
We looked a little in our session on the FEAST OF TRUMPETS 2024 at the role of all the FEASTS in re-anchoring, re-centring our Focus on CHRIST to make sure we maintain a right standing with Him. You can see what an undertaking this truly is, living as we do in a fallen world, given to SIN, by the fact that YAHUAH appointed 8 Feasts or points in TIMES in each year for us to devout to this endevour. They also represent an opportunity to PURGE our MINDS and SPIRITS, from all the build up of offence, unforgiveness and psychological junk all of which can be a huge weight that can stymie our progress and hold us back. I spoke of this in our FEAST OF TRUMPETS session.
Christ's 2 Atonements
Let’s look a little into what ATONEMENT actually represents and what it tells s about our salvation, (if we look at Leviticus chapter 16). In a nutshell it illustrates that there were actually 2 atonements or SACRIFICES that YAHUAH performed for us in His DEATH on the CROSS at THE PASSOVER SPRING Feast, namely 'the Lot for The Lord/ YAHUAH or 'the sin offering', and the scape goat, (see Leviticus16:8-10). CHRIST was both Our SIN OFFERING and also OUR SCAPEGOAT. In His DEATH and RESURRECTION on the CROSS. He officiates as both our SACRIFICE and HIGH PRIEST.
What a MYSTERY, the IMMORTAL is both the OFFERING, The Sacrifice, the LAMB slain and the offerer, or the HIGH PRIEST, the one who brings the LAMB, or sacrifice to be offered.
He is our All-in-all. (Incidentally the DAY OF ATONEMENT is where the secular world gets the word and concept of the ‘SCAPEGOAT from).
Christ as Our Sin Offering is memorialised in the PASSOVER, and CHRIST as Our scape goat is memorialised or commemorated in the DAY OF ATONEMENT.
The PASSOVER is also the first Feast in the NEW HEBREW YEAR in the CALENDAR YAHUAH gave to MOSES, (See Exodus 12:2) also denotes YESHUA as being SLAIN from the FOUNDATION of the WORLD (Revelations 13:8),
If we align to the 7 or 8 Biblical Feasts, (if you include the 8th Day Feast, which follows immediately on the heels of THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES as a separate Feast) to the 7 DAYS YAHUAH gave to man, from the REVELATION we’ve touched on by aligning it to the 70 WEEKS OF DANIEL, we know that He actually died for our sins in the middle of the week.
Both sacrifices symbolize the absoluteness with which YAHUAH dealt with the question of SIN, totally annihilating it and all of its effects, including hell and death. The SIN offering removing the payment or PENALTY for man’s SIN, which according to Romans 6:23 is death, and the SCAPEGOAT removing or dealing with its effects, the guilt the trauma and the shame.
CHRIST ultimately TRIUMPHED over SIN so completely as seen, by the fact that He CONQUERED Death itself,
There in reality being no grave that could hold Him,
Thus becoming the FIRSTFRUITS of them that SLEPT or the FIRST BEGOTTEN from the DEAD.
At first we may be tempted to minimize or think that this is something quite ordinary until we more fully understand the nature of the WORLD that YAHUAH created and that DEATH is the legitimate reward to those who sow SIN in it. This is the reason YAHUAH tells us ‘NOT to SOW TO OUR FLESH CORRUPTION’. Literally referring graphically here to the corruption of rottenness, the process of decay in the body once interned in the grave, after death as the consequence of SIN. This REWARD is the UNIVERSE’S answer to SIN, and it can’t be turned back by any means. But GOD in both His ATONING SACRIFICES interrupted the course of nature to extend His GRACE, and unmerited FAVOUR to mankind to deliver us from what Paul calls ‘THIS PRESENT DEATH’ (Romans 7:24-25) making an exchange to give us LIFE now instead of DEATH for our SIN. What A Saviour.

But it does show us a very serious thing about the POWER of the BLOOD of YESHUA in ATONING for us, because the SUFFERINGS of CHRIST were the PRICE for SIN, which means,
Those rejecting CHRIST and His Atoning SACRIFICE for their LIVES, now become accountable to pay that very same price of SUFFERING as CHRIST bore, but now in their Blood. If you are not a believer I would urge you, give your life to Jesus, be reconciled to GOD.
And so as we reflect on the meaning of ATONEMENT, and what it cost YAHUAH to SAVE us by His ATONING SACRIFICES in PASSOVER aka as Our SIN OFFERING and ATONEMENT aka as Our SCAPEGOAT. We can be assured that CHRIST already paid the PRICE for us, all He is requiring us now to do is come into alignment with Him by committing ourselves to PURIFY our HEARTS to receive and walk in right standing with Him by making sure our Paths our straight, in other words we know we are not doing anything in our daily lives that we know would be displeasing to Him in anyway, and we are confessing our sins so that as Psalms 24:3-6 says we can be found worthy to ascend in to the Hill of YAHUAH and now stand in His Holy Place,
Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD
Remember in the times of MOSES none was even permitted to touch the Mount, what a BLESSING REPENTANCE gives us.
As we prepare for this AUSPICIOUS day, (THE DAY OF ATONEMENT), in which we are required to FAST (neither to eat or drink for 24 hours). Lets ponder the questions given in Psalms 24:3-6 and ask ourselves
Are my hands clean?
Is My Heart pure?
‘Have I lifted up my soul to vanity?' (Psalms 24:4-5)
Meaning Am I vain? And superficial or fake in anyway including in my dealings with others?
Have I sworn deceitfully – do I use strong convincing words to deceive or manipulate others? Let's take the time to really examine our hearts, and align ourselves to ensure we are truly in right standing with Him. He is worthy of our whole hearted devotion.
Remember family you and I we are the Repairers of the Breach as per Isaiah 58:12. Its up to us! #WeWillrestorehispaths
Love Family
Written on: 7th Sep 2024 or in the Hebrew calendar, the 5th Tishri or Ethanim